Последние Поступления История банковского дела Международные финансы Партнеры Проекта Раритеты

2000 points for financial advertising

Автор: T.D. MacGregor, Ph.B
Формат: PDF (для просмотра используйте Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Размер: 8175 Кб
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THE purpose of this book is to provide a handy compendium of

" ideas and phrases suitable for use in the preparation of financial

advertising matter-whether newspaper or magazine advertisements,

booklets, circulars or "form" letters. It is meant to be a

companion book to the author’s "Pushing Your Business," which is

more of a text-book on this subject.

The points brought out in the various chapters are largely such

as have been used by the author in his long experience as a planner

and writer of financial advertising.

It is scarcely necessary to explain how the book can be used, as

that will readily suggest itself to the reader who has any occasion

whatever to use the printed or typewritten page as a means of

soliciting business.

One way that may not occur to the reader without suggestion,

however, is to use the volume as a "paragraph book" in dictating

letters in the regular course of business. For this purpose, it will

save time and secure more effective letters than might otherwise be

the case.

In the author’s earlier work, "Pushing Your Business," are to be

found detailed suggestions as to the preparation of copy and the

choice of mediums for financial advertising. In this place there is

only space to recapitulate briefly some of the salient points which

enter into successful financial advertising.


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